Meetple, Binance NFT Marketplace officially registered…The ecosystem is expanding

2 min readSep 21, 2022


MeetPle, a global film currency-based platform, announced that it has been officially registered in the NFT marketplace introduced in June by Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.

Binance NFT Marketplace, which MeetPle entered this time, focuses on creators and collection traders in fields such as visual art, music, games, and sports.

Leon Fung, general manager of Asia-Pacific (APPC), said in a recent interview, “We are trying to advance into Korea with the NFT and BNB chains.” In other words, Binance is pushing to re-enter the NFT and BNB chains, which have been disconnected from Korea.

One of them was announced earlier this year that it signed partnerships with major domestic entertainment companies such as SM and YG, and plans to expand NFT businesses by utilizing various intellectual property rights (IPs) such as games and sports.

Thanks to this trend, MeetPle plans to share profits with the original producer by combining various contents such as vlog, which will be updated in the future, and entertainment companies that plan to collaborate, to launch various NFTs and make them possible to trade in Binance NFT Marketplace.

MeetPle announced Roadmap 2.0 earlier this year and achieved another milestone by entering the NFT market, one of the roadmaps this year, at a time when the project is continuously underway. Meetple does not stop here, but continues to plan for ecosystem expansion. Based on the global video call base that has been prepared since last year, global education projects are also being carried out through cooperation with overseas exchanges, and there has been news that the project will begin to globalize in earnest.

